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the go to self paced branding course for women in business!

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And create your own 6 figure success!

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Let's go girls!!

bet you're singing shania now right?

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If you're ready to wave goodbye to business confusion and overwhelm and welcome a future of crystal-clear clarity, The Flamazing Brand Kickstarter Course has been designed help you build a brand that is a flamingo in flock of seagulls... step by step!

Let's flamingle!

If you are starting out and you haven’t nailed your branding, then this is the course you need. It’s so helpful and important to get your brand foundations right and from there you can move forward and grow.

Doing this course was the best decision and investment I have made in a long time. 

I was completely lost, going around in circles.

From past flamazers

katie perez - polished soul by katie

catherine bowyer - the happiness hive

Jen's process was great — it was clear, straightforward, and easy to put into action.

It wasn't a done for you process, but it gave me the roadmap to fill in the gaps and tailor to my own business needs.

 Now, I feel super confident in my brand and its message.

"I'm so excited about the clarity I've got now"

From past flamazers

jess soto-ramirez - womens empowerment coach

I especially loved learning about the brand personalities - it really sealed the deal for me. It gave me a sense of empowerment, strength and deep understanding of what my brand is - it felt like permission to really embrace what I was already feeling inside... you could say I felt seen and understood.

 Absolute game changer!!

Jen is the branding SUPERSTAR! 

From past flamazers

jo draper - jo

Jen, thank you so much for your Flamazing course. I can’t tell you how much I got out of it! From putting stickers onto my wall behind me, to being so clear on who my bestie is or my dream client, to the vision and the mission and the purpose and how I help.

Learning all of those things has helped me to the next level in my business. 

You’ve given me so much clarity on my brand and I’m so grateful!

From past flamazers

jennie bennett - hot spice jewelry

This course has changed my life by giving me more confidence in my business and by helping me create a new brand that I was looking for.

 Flamazing is totally worth it. You’ll be glad you took it!

Jen has been a joy to work with!

From past flamazers

christina - her career coach

From past flamazers

I LOVED the Flamazing Brand Workshop. Jen simplifies branding and takes you on a journey; she is very engaging. I loved learning more about your ‘bestie’ and the brand archetypes and how they influence your branding, and how to apply it all practically.

I highly recommend taking the Flamazing. It’s fun, educational and it has set me up for success.

Jen simplifies branding and takes you on a journey!

Victoria - Rainbow Bridge Family Daycare

I am so glad I did Flamazing! The clarity and focus I have around my brand, the language I can use and when to use it was EXACTLY what I needed.
Delivered in an informal and inviting way meant I felt more able to absorb the information. Thanks Jen, it was so worth doing!

"I have gained so much clarity and focus"

From past flamazers

kind words

Do you feel overwhelmed, confused and lost with your brand?

Do you feel like you're invisible online?

That you just don't stand out at all? 

You're that gorgeous, fabulous flamingo brand that stands out from the crowd!

You have all the right people flocking to you!

You're making more money! 

Just imagine... 

If you're tired of playing the guessing game with your branding and ready to take decisive action, there's no better starting point than the Flamazing Brand Kickstarter Course!


I need this now!

But because you don't know your personality, your voice, your values or even who you're speaking to you just don't love what they've done but you can't explain why!

splashing out the $$ on a designer, copywriter, web designer etc


And you went down a black hole for hours and still really have no idea what branding is or what you can do to fix yours!

googling "what is a brand"


Every time you see a branding freebie you grab it and hope it makes some sense... but no you're still bashing your head against that brick wall! 

Downloading "ALL" the freebies!


You're forever working on your business instead of in your business! It's like being on a hamster wheel!

You're constantly second guessing yourself and your decisions! 

You're paralysed with doubt when it comes to messaging, copywriting & photography! 

Your Instagram feed looks messy, amateur and downright embarrassing so you ghost your audience! And your content doesn't feel right at all!

You have so many things vying for your attention, it's hard to pinpoint what truly matters! So, sometimes you end up in standstill, not making any move at all.

You're trying to pull it all together with a bunch of freebies and it just doesn't work or feel like YOU!

You don't email your list because you have no idea what to say or how to say it!

 So what you're experiencing is brand overwhelm which you've tried to fix by...

Can you relate to any of these?

And you find you're still chasing your tail and confused!!

The issue you're facing boils down to branding, but here's the silver lining: it's completely solvable! Once you've dialled in your brand, you'll not only gain crystal-clear focus, but also elevate your game, outshine your competitors, draw in more clients, and, yes, boost those sales!

And it looks gorgeous but you have no idea how to translate it into bottom line sales because you can't figure out what your pount of difference is!

spent hours creating a really pretty moodboard



I've got the game-changing strategies you need to elevate your brand above the crowd!

You're not alone! I've been exactly where you are and...

Knowing not just what to say but how to say it!

You know your people and their pain points and how to help them!

Ensuring you're the first name that pops into minds and tops the search list!


Your followers engage with you, message you and ask how you can help

Who follow, engage with and purchase from you

Your audience not only follows you but trusts and loves what you bring to the table, which translates into boosted sales!


Brand confidence is more than a buzzword; it's your mojo, your secret sauce! It empowers you to speak your truth, authentically and compellingly, no matter your audience. With eye-catching visuals that are as consistent as they are captivating, you're unforgettable for all the right reasons. Plus, your Flamazing Brand Blueprint acts like your team's playbook, ensuring everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet and exuding your brand's vibe 24/7!

You can burn the candle 24/7, lose sleep and invest a ridiculous amount of $$$$ into coaches, copywriters, a pretty logo, a even prettier website and the prettiest photo shoots!

  But let me be honest here... if your brand's foundation isn't rock solid, you're building your castle on quicksand! 

So, before you drain your bank account on all the bells and whistles, make sure your brand is on point! Nail those brand foundations and you won't just save money – you'll save your sanity, too! 

You will be able to say hello to...

Your brand truly is the heartbeat of your business!

 It's the secret sauce behind every single thing you do, from your social media posts, Facebook ads, webinars, sales pages and all that creative content you pour your heart into!!

Your brand is like fairy dust sprinkled on everything you touch!

Now, imagine this: you decide to sprinkle a little extra love (and yes, some cash) on your brand!

Boom! Suddenly, everything else just clicks into place!

It's like you've been swimming against the current, and now, with your brand shining bright and true, you're surfing with the flow! Creating content? A breeze! Gaining visibility? You're glowing with confidence! And those endless decisions? They just got a whole lot simpler!

Investing in your brand isn't just a game-changer; it's the flamazing flip that makes everything else in your business feel like you're dancing in sync with the universe! Ready to make that shift?

say no more! I'm in!

The Flamazing Brand Kickstarter Course

You have the power to shape your reality!

How would it feel to stop all the second guessing and know exactly what your sparkling brand personality is, who you're speaking to, how to speak to them and have them lining up to work with you?

If you're ready to take your business to the next level then I'D LOVE TO INVITE YOU TO JOIN 

say no more! I'm in!

Amplify it!!
We tie it all together and create your own exclusive Flamazing Brand Blueprint!

Inside this flamazing course I'm so excited to teach you all my awesome branding tricks including:

I want to be flamazing!

Uncovering that sparkling brand personality and giving her a voice! 
You will know what to say, how to say it and the tone to say it in! So you’re never staring at your screen thinking what the heck do I write now? 

Finding your why!
Your story, your purpose, your values! Why do you get out of bed in the morning? What makes YOU the right person for them to work with! Why do they NEED you? 

Who you want to work with!
Who are your besties? Understand the problems they face, the language they speak, and the solutions they crave!

Crafting killer messages
Have your dream clients lining up! With spot-on messaging watch your referrals skyrocket and your inbox explode with inquiries! 

Creating a show stopping visual brand!
Build trust and create a standout visual brand that people can instantly recognise and emotionally connect with!

This is your moment to bask in the CLARITY you have and feel PROUD of your brand!

We work on the fire that fuels you, the passion that powers your brand, and building from that essential, glowing core!!


Because I'm all about helping you build a brand that creates connections and relationships! We dive into into the real, raw truth of your brand first and build foundations before anything visual happens!! Yes, we'll get to all the pretty visuals – but only after we've laid down the solid, shimmering foundation!!

If you've found yourself in an endless cycle of rebranding, or if picking a visual identity feels like trying to choose a favourite star in the sky...

Or if you're struggling to put into words the amazing things you do..

It's because your brand's core hasn't found its true north yet! Those issues? They're just signs pointing to a bigger challenge! You don't just need a snazzier design (that's coming, promise!) – you need rock solid foundations to build a stand out brand on!!

And hey, I'm not just here to teach... I'm living, breathing proof that my flamazing framework truly works!! I use this exact process for my own brand and with every single client!! You're getting a method that's not only proven but sparkles with real-world success!!

This journey is so much more than just design! It's about giving your business the power boost it deserves, with expert guidance every step of the way! Let's make your brand not just seen, but truly unforgettable!

This is not your average, run-of-the-mill branding course!

I have been working as a coach for 2 years without an “official” name or brand, it’s been incredible but is very limiting to growth. 

I knew if I wanted to go next level I needed to create the space to do it, but also learn more about branding and connect with how I wanted to be seen. Honestly, I needed help.

I watched the free Masterclass and I was SOLD!! Jen has so much passion, I loved her energy, her vibe and knew she would be the one to help me.
Over the course I learnt so much, I loved the group and being able to get feedback on my work. I actually have a brand!!! 👏🏻🖤 I feel great about what I have created and so much more confident when asked the question “what do you do” 

I feel amazing and fancy AF 😂

Emelly - The cosmetic industry coach

with my proven flamazing framework

Let’s create your standout brand

In this module, we delve deep into the art of brand communication! Just like that one friend who always knows what to say, your brand can resonate deeply with your audience, making every interaction feel like a catch-up with your bestie!

By the end of this module, you'll have the tools and insights to craft a brand voice that not only appeals to your target audience but also feels authentic and relatable!

Your brand voice and tone!

In today's saturated market, how do you make your brand unforgettable?

Enter the power of storytelling! This module delves into the essential role stories play in forging deep emotional connections with your audience!

By weaving storytelling into your brand strategy, you'll create memorable experiences that differentiate you in the marketplace and foster lasting loyalty!


Ever wished you could read your clients' minds? In this module, we take a deep dive into the world of your "customer bestie."

Get ready to learn the art of identifying and understanding them, from their favorite hangouts to their deepest desires!

Harness the power of my exclusive persona template to craft a vivid profile of your dream client! 

Dive deep into the heart of your brand by defining its purpose and values!

Why are you in this game, and what sets you apart? In this pivotal module, we unravel the essence of your brand, the very soul that makes it tick!

Navigate the often overlooked yet crucial realm of brand values, those shining beacons that guide your brand's journey! 

Your why!

First impressions last, especially in the world of branding! In this module, we'll delve into the heart of brand identity, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with your foundational values!

You'll design a colour palette, handpick imagery and select typography that resonates with your brand's soul.

And for the grand finale? You'll compile it all into a stunning moodboard! 

Making it visual!

This is where the magic happens! After all your hard work, we're going to weave everything into a canva template based on what I create for my 1:1 clients, birthing your very own cohesive Flamazing Brand Blueprint!

Think of it as your brand's guiding star, ensuring consistency, clarity, and charisma in every touchpoint. It's not just about looking good; it's about feeling united, streamlined, and powerfully aligned! 

Bring it together!

Your brand personality!

yes this is exactly what I need!!

Your BFF!






Ever wonder why certain brands seem to have a magnetic allure? It's all about brand personality! In this exciting module, we dive deep into the significance of brand personalities and why they're the foundational brick to your brand's castle!

You complete my brand personality quiz and unearth that sparkling brand personality of yours!! This is an absolute game changer for your business!! 

In the first module of Flamazing, we dive into the essential question: What is a brand?

We explore the core concept that a brand is much more than just a logo or a catchy name! It represents the heart and soul of a business, encompassing everything from your visual identity to the emotions and experiences you evoke in your customers!

What is a brand?




Let's break it down!!


Step by step Flamazing™ methodology created for my 1:1 clients


Brand Personality Quiz



Workbooks, guides and resources

My canva template for The Flamazing Brand Blueprint to create your very own Blueprint throughout the course


But you can transform your brand for only




8 modules of bite-sized video lessons so you can be guided through the how-to in ease and without the overwhelm


Brand clarity and your very own Flamazing Brand Blueprint! 

At the end of this course you'll walk away with

Get ready to step into brand brilliance! Your Flamazing Brand Blueprint will give you a consistent, memorable identity that your followers will love and trust!

No more second-guessing you'll have a brand so cohesive it practically sings! This is how you turn casual followers into ride-or-die brand besties!

Feel confident, look flawless, and keep your brand sparkling in alignment with your one-of-a-kind personality and values! It's not just about looking good... it's about feeling flamazing!

It all starts with building the rock-solid brand foundations!

Think of your brand foundations as the bedrock for clarity and consistency, ensuring every part of your brand, from your visuals to your voice, is crystal clear! This isn’t just about looking professional — it’s about being so distinctively consistent that customers can't help but trust and remember you!

Having a distinct brand is like being the brightest colour in the box!

It’s not just about standing out... it’s about being so uniquely you that no one else can replicate what you offer! This uniqueness turns your one-time buyers into loyal fans who rave about you to the world, massively boosting your reach and influence!

Let’s not forget about the strategic edge! 

With a rock-solid foundation, every marketing move you make is powered by purpose! You’re not throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks; you’re deploying a well-thought-out strategy that amplifies your brand’s message across all channels! This kind of focused effort maximises your return on every dollar spent, driving your business closer to those six-figure earnings!

Lastly, let's talk growth and scalability!

When the time comes to expand, robust brand foundations make it a breeze! Whether it's introducing new products or breaking into new markets, you have a clear blueprint to follow! This makes scaling up smoother and ensures that every new step is still unmistakably ‘you.’

So, let’s boost those foundations and watch as your business doesn’t just reach but zooms past those six-figure dreams! Ready to make your brand not just noticeable, but utterly irresistible?

Let’s do this!

But how does this course make me money Jen?

Before working with Jen on my brand foundations, I was just chasing my tail!

Every time I needed to make a decision about my brand - be it colours, typography, or even just the tone of voice for a simple email - it felt like I was reinventing the wheel. It was exhausting, time-consuming, and, let's be honest, expensive in terms of nit being able to brief copywriters, social strategist etc.

Then, I found out about Jen's Flamazing Brand Blueprint, and it was like I'd been handed a roadmap to my own brand's universe. No more guesswork or inconsistency.

Everything was laid out clearly, from visuals to voice, ensuring that every piece of content or design was perfectly aligned with my brand's essence.

Not only has it saved me countless hours, but it's also saved me from making costly mistakes and helped me double my revenue each quarter. Investing Jens Flamazing Brand Blueprint for my business has been, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the smartest moves I've ever made. 

One of the smartest business moves I've made

jessica read - inspired life collective

What past Flamazers think...

Though seriously I've been living and breathing branding strategy and styling for more than four decades – yep, since I was just a 10-year-old dreaming big dreams! Way before digital took over, I was out here crafting magic with pure imagination and my two hands!

I've worked in ad agencies, design studios and corporate both big and small and on clients like Commonwealth Bank, Kimberly Clark, O'Brien Glass, Swarovski, Citibank, RTA, and Woolworths. So trust me, I've seen it all!

But these days? My joy is empowering YOU fabulous women entrepreneurs to not just stand out but to shine bright like a darn flamingo in a sea of seagulls! Through my courses, my talks, and my personalised services, I don't just sprinkle a little stardust – I ignite fireworks! The reactions I get are heart-melting: "You've changed my life," or "Finally, you've given me a voice!"

So if you're ready to truly dazzle, let's set your brand on fire - in the best way possible! 

Because I am the Queen Flamingo among
Flamingo Royalty!!!

But why should you listen to me?

That, let me tell you, is the kind of feedback that fills my soul with pure, unfiltered joy!


"This course changed my life."

jo draper -

"I love my brand now! It’s the first time that it has been totally ME!"

People do not buy goods or services.
They buy relations, stories and magic. 

Seth Godin

I decided to invest in the course because I knew if I wanted to take my biz seriously and BE taken seriously, I needed a strong foundation and a clear voice that was uniquely me, and I thought Jen could deliver that. 

Boy did she, and then some! I not only discovered my archetype, I was able to get clearer across a few foundational steps; my 'why', my biz bestie, my voice and tone and more.

Truly a flamazing experience. Xx

A brilliant branding course the really does set your foundation up to get off to the best start

virginia - fibras by virginia

To help every woman to have a business that will allow them to stand on their own two feet if life isn't the fairy tale they had hoped for. I want to help you to write your very own fairy tale!


To help every woman build a business with strong foundations that will help them become a flamingo in a flock of seagulls and allow them to stand on their own two feet if life isn't the fairy tale they had hoped for.

I want to help you to write your very own fairy tale!

Your customised Flamazing Brand Blueprint will serve as your ultimate roadmap, saving you time, effort, and money! It's a go-to reference you can revisit anytime you need a nudge back on track!

In 2021, I finally bid adieu to self-doubt and channelled all my energy into crafting the unbeatable Flamazing Framework. And let me tell you, if I can pull it off, you absolutely can too!

After completing Flamazing, prepare to be blown away by the transformation!

You'll be the proud owner of a distinct, visually captivating brand that you're head-over-heels in love with, reigniting the joy and passion you once had for your business!

Your brand's vibrant personality will be crystal clear and you'll be confident with who you are and how you communicate

Armed with a compelling brand voice, you'll know exactly how to speak your dream clients' language, thereby boosting sales like never before!!

Clarity will be your new best friend: you'll have a laser focus on the who, what, why, and how, making every aspect of your marketing, promotion, and business operations effortlessly streamlined!

Sending people to your polished, cohesive website and social platforms will bring you nothing but pride, knowing they're finely tuned to resonate with your ideal audience!

Instead of hunting for clients, you'll be busy nurturing relationships with your "client besties" who know, like, and love what you bring to the table!

Kathleen - knots of grace

"Flamazing gave the clarity and confidence I needed to move forward with my business!"

Lara - SojiAndObi

"It was a
game changer for me and helped me clearly define everything "

The Flamazing Course is one of the best investments anyone can make for their small business.

I really had no idea of the importance of a brand foundation, but after this course I have so much more confidence and clarity in my branding. Learning about my Brand Personality and establishing my brand foundations has been a game-changer for my business and how I present myself, not only online, but also in person!

Flamazing helps you build your branding foundations from the ground up - you'll end up walking away with knowing exactly who you are, who you serve, your values and visual identity. It taught me how important it is to get these foundations right for the future of a successful small business.

I feel so much more clarity and confidence in my branding and the future of my business

Carina - kennedy kreativ

Haha and that’s why you’re here, right? This course was developed around my Flamazing framework specifically to help female small business owners discover their brands sparkling personality and build strong foundations – with no previous experience needed.

One thing I want you to remember!! I might be the brand coach but YOU are the expert on your brand!

I don't know a thing about brand foundations!


I totally get it and I will never ever pretend to know anything about your financial situation nor encourage you to spend money you don't have!

If signing up to this programme means you will struggle then this is simply not the right time for you at the moment! This is why I have a payment plan to make it accessible for you to achieve your brand dream!

I really need this but I just can't afford it right now!


This is for you if you are in your first few years of business and you're ready to take your business seriously. Your brand foundations are the building blocks for all your other business decisions. If you're ready to pull it all together then this course is for you!

What sort of business is this for?


And in case you're wondering...

your questions answered

You go deep inside your brand and discover it's inner core! It's true essence! You will gain clarity and confidence in who your brand is. Your personality, your voice, your why, your story, your values, your mission, your bestie!

You'll discover your colours, your typography, your image style. 

After all your hard work, we're going to weave everything into a canva template based on what I create for my 1:1 clients (valued at 6,000), birthing your very own cohesive Flamazing Brand Blueprint!

PLUS you get a flamazing circle of women ready to lift you and cheer you on! The community is always on the list of fav things about Flamazing! 

What do I get out of this course?


The content is drip fed to each week in short easy to manage videos and should  only take a couple of hours each week! But you do need implementation time too...

Why can't I have all the videos at once?

Coz I DON'T want the overwhelm and this course is designed for you to apply the learnings to your brand as you progress through the course!

  BUT you have lifetime access to the course content so don't stress!!

What happens if I can't keep up with the calls and the modules?


The first thing most business owners think about when they start a business, launch a new service or course is getting a logo designed. Let’s be clear.

Your brand is not your logo.

Creating a brand includes deep diving in to understand, and become at ease with, your business’s personality, story, voice, dream client and vision and soooooo much more - that's what sells!

A logo is a tool that you use to visually represent your brand. Without a brand a logo is meaningless Sorry! #sorrynotsorry

I have a logo so I have a brand! Isn't that how it works?


Happiness guarantee

You're totally backed by my Flamazing Happiness Guarantee! I get it - making a commitment like this is a big deal, especially if you've been burned by past experiences that didn't deliver!! Trust me, this program isn't just a collection of flashy tips... it's a powerhouse of actionable strategies and deep "why's" behind them! We're talking about a program designed based on many, many hours with my one-on-one clients, so I know this stuff works!

But hey, vibes matter, right? If you dive in and realise this isn't your jam during the initial phase, no worries! We can pivot your investment into personalized 1:1 coaching. That's how confident I am that what's inside is game-changing - IF you put in the work. 

All right!
Let's go girls!!

bet you're singing shania now right?



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