Cheers to dreaming big!

Your wildest, most audacious dreams deserve your full effort! I'm here to tell you: go ahead, take up space, shine brightly, and share your brilliance with the world! The world needs your unique spark! It’s never easy, but oh boy, is it rewarding! And believe me, you’re worth it!

Be unapologetically YOU!

Here’s a little secret... if brands got real - embraced their quirks, shared their beliefs, told personal tales - they'd capture our hearts! When businesses bare their soul and show us their true colors, we can't help but love them! Forget about bland "professionalism"... let's get real and relatable!

Strategy first!

So many get branding backwards, starting with design rather than substance! Here, we flip the script! My approach is strategy first branding! We dive deep into what makes your brand irresistibly unique and desirable! Only then do we craft a visual identity that embodies your most compelling messages!

Are you tired of feeling like just another face in the crowd, struggling to make your brand’s voice heard?

Imagine breaking free from the sea of sameness, where your brand not only stands out but becomes a beacon for your ideal customers.

I specialise in transforming brands from invisible to unforgettable, ensuring they shine as brightly and uniquely as a flamingo in a flock of seagulls.

I guide visionary entrepreneurs like you through the journey of crafting a brand identity that’s not just seen but felt. Together, we’ll harness your unique superpowers and create a brand that resonates deeply with your audience, driving engagement and growth! Let’s embark on this journey to flamaze your brand and set the world alight with your uniqueness!

Suddenly, you've got a crystal-clear roadmap to forge ahead into the future you’ve always dreamed of... with your entire brand strategy neatly packaged in one place!

Not in your head or on bits of paper or post it notes!! 🤣

You have the power to shape your future, just the way you imagined it!

I work with women who are ready to gain clarity and move from second guessing to heck yeah!

Why do you need to build strong brand foundations?

You know I'm gonna tell you right?

Building your brand foundations is like finding your business’s soul! It’s all about getting crystal clear on who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to show up in this glittering world!

It’s your secret sauce to standing out, making every choice in your biz feel like you’re just following your heart.

This isn’t just about logos or colours... it’s about building a home for your brand where every room, every nook, every cranny screams "YOU!"

Every time I needed to make a decision about my brand - be it colours, typography, or even just the tone of voice for a simple email - it felt like I was reinventing the wheel. It was exhausting, time-consuming, and, let's be honest, expensive in terms of missed opportunities.

Then, Jen introduced to the concept of the Flamazing Brand Blueprint, and it was like I'd been handed a roadmap to my own brand's universe. No more guesswork or inconsistency.

Everything was laid out clearly, from visuals to voice, ensuring that every piece of content or design was perfectly aligned with my brand's essence.

Not only has it saved me countless hours, but it's also saved me from making costly mistakes. Investing Jens Flamazing Brand Blueprint for my business has been, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the smartest moves I've ever made. It's not just a guide; it's my brand's North Star!

One of the smartest business moves I've made

jessica read - inspired life collective

If these questions are keeping you up at night...

🌟 How can I make a splash and stand out in this crowded market?

🌟 What can I do to differentiate my brand in a noisy, overcrowded marketplace?

🌟 How do I truly embody my brand?

🌟 How can I refine my brand’s message to be more impactful and memorable?

🌟 How can I effectively tell my brand's story across different platforms?

🌟 Why isn’t my current branding connecting with potential customers as I expected?

🌟 Why does everything I outsource come back not quite right?

I can help you!

You’re not new to the startup scene, but this time around, you want to ensure everything is set up perfectly right from the start. Experience has taught you the importance of clarity and precision in establishing a brand that stands out and communicates effectively. 

you're an experienced start up

You've laid the groundwork, and your business is thriving. Now, you're at a pivotal moment, ready to scale up and elevate your brand to match your growing success. You understand that scaling involves more than just expanding your offerings; it requires a strategic enhancement of your brand's image and market position. 

You're ready to scale

The Full Flamingo is perfect for you if...

You’ve established your business and have seen some success, but now you feel it’s time for a change to reflect your evolved vision and goals. You’re ready to refresh and rejuvenate your brand to align with your current aspirations and future ambitions, ensuring your brand not only keeps up with the times but sets the trends.


I’m so excited Jen, thank you so much for pulling the multiple thoughts in my head into pure clarity, I now have something to go back to time and time again and so when others work with me they know right from the start who and what I am!


I believe we should have a brand that allows us to be who we were meant to be rather than trying to fit into a box of who we think we “should" be! When we embrace our authentic strengths and story we attract the right people to us like a magnet!

No need to try and pretend to be who we're not and bending over backwards to please everyone!!

I've said it before and I'll say it again I want to EMPOWER you with a brand you 100% totally ADORE! I want it to support your brand vision well into the future and I want you to be proud to show it off!!!

So I guess you're not surprised to know that my branding process is a little different from many others! 

because you're not a cookie... and neither am i!!

Your brand personality
Brand voice and tone
Word bank
Your brand story
Your bio
Your why
Your key messages
Your brand values
Your points of difference

What do I get with The Full Flamingo?

With this comprehensive blueprint, you’ll have a clear, consistent guide for all your branding efforts - from visuals and voice to marketing strategies and social media presence. It ensures that every element of your brand aligns with your vision, attracts the right people, and fosters lasting connections!

 Essentially, it transforms your brand from just another name in the market to a memorable, beloved presence that truly stands out! This blueprint is not just about looking good... it's about making a real impact, ensuring that every touchpoint with your audience is meaningful, coherent and truly flamazing!

The Flamazing Brand Blueprint includes...

Define your target market and audience
The demographics and pyschographics
Client personas
Your USP
Your zones of genius
A visual identity moodboard
Colour palette
Photography style
Instagram grid design

So what do I do with The Flamazing Brand Blueprint?

When you hire a new team member to ensure that every touch point for customers reflect your brand's voice and values, enhancing the overall customer experience!

To brief a designer or copywriter to work on your logo, visual assets or website!

To brief a PR team when creating press kits!

When you're developing new products! It ensures that new offerings align with your brand's values, aesthetics, and customer expectations.

When entering into partnerships with other brands to ensure alignment between brand values!

When you're planning an event use the blueprint to guide the theme, decor and promotional materials for events to ensure they are true to your brand’s style and message

When planning marketing campaigns to ensure that all materials and messages are consistent with your brand identity!

To keep yourself focused whenever ‘shiny object syndrome’ appears!

With a Flamazing Brand Blueprint, you unlock the full potential of your brand identity!

This comprehensive guide serves as your roadmap for all branding efforts, detailing exactly how to communicate your brand’s essence, values, and personality across every touchpoint! Whether you're crafting marketing materials, designing your website, or engaging with customers on social media, the blueprint keeps you aligned and consistent!

It not only elevates your visual identity but also strengthens your messaging, ensuring that your brand resonates with your target audience and stands out in a crowded marketplace!

The Flamazing Brand Blueprint is your ultimate tool for building a cohesive and memorable brand that truly connects and converts!

You can use it...



six monthly payments of



one-time payment of

Book your Full Flamingo package!

book a free flamazing quickie call here!

Let's jump on a quick call and have a chat about how I can help you fly high!

Jen's process was great — it was clear, straightforward, and easy to put into action. It wasn't a done for you process, but it gave me the roadmap to fill in the gaps and tailor to my own business needs.

Through Flamazing, I got clarity about where I wanted my business makeover to go. The exercises helped me really nail down who my dream clients are and how to talk directly to them. Now, I feel super confident in my brand's voice and message.

Even though my website is still a work in progress, I'm excited about the clarity I've got. I flip through my Brand Bible every day—it's filled with all the goodies about my business - from what I do, why I do it and who I do it for. I had this info previously, but now it's super schmick! 

Jen was amazing—she's so generous with her knowledge and stories. Her examples really helped me see how I could apply everything to my own business. She's genuinely committed to helping each person in the program, and it really shows.

Thanks so much, Jen, for being awesome and helping me take some big steps toward my branding goals. I'm super grateful! 

Jen was amazing—she's so generous with her knowledge and stories

kathy rhodes - the thought alchemist

But why should you listen to me?

Though seriously I've been in the branding game for over three decades - that's right, since before the age of digital doodads and gadgets! (Believe it or not, I knew I wanted to do this when I was just 10 years old!) Back in the day, it was all about crafting things by hand and letting your imagination run wild!

Over the years, I've honed my skills in various settings – from big-shot advertising agencies to intimate design studios, working with some incredible brands like Commonwealth Bank, Swarovski, Kimberly Clark, Citibank, the RTA and Woolworths, just to name a few!

Now, through The Flamazing Day, my mission is to empower female entrepreneurs to not only stand out like a flamingo in the flock of seagulls but also to create powerful experiences that ignite reactions from those that have worked with me in the past, like: “you have changed my life” “finally, you’ve given me a voice” and "finally I feel seen!"

That, let me tell you, is the kind of feedback that fills my soul with pure, unfiltered joy!

Because I am the Queen Flamingo among
Flamingo Royalty!!

Oh my gosh I am over  the moon with what you have put together. I love the colours, logos  and you truly have captured what I do and stand for which to be honest most people don't.

Michelle Pascoe

Oh my gosh I am over  the moon with what you have put together. You truly have captured what I do and stand for which to be honest most people don't.



six monthly payments of



one-time payment of

Book your Full Flamingo package!

book a free flamazing quickie call here!

Let's jump on a quick call and have a chat about how I can help you fly high!

People do not buy goods or services.
They buy relations, stories and magic. 

Seth Godin

I'm here to lay down the foundations for your brand visuals! Think mood boards that capture your vibe, choosing colours that pop, photography styles and insta grid that tell your story! 

Once your Flamazing Blueprint is all polished and ready, you'll have the option to work with me to craft your visual brand or you'll have the tools to brief your fav designer!

You’ll be totally equipped to steer their creative magic with confidence, ensuring everything they whip up is perfectly aligned with your brand’s fabulous new vision! 

Does this include a logo?


From our first splash into the Deep Dive Workshop to the grand unveiling of your Flamazing Blueprint takes about 4 weeks

Right now, I’m booking The Full Flamingo sessions about 2-4 weeks out, so let’s get you on the calendar and start that countdown!

Our main workshop is a 3-4 hour brainstorming fiesta, and then, voilà! Your customised Flamazing Blueprint will be ready to rock your world in just 3-4 weeks!

We will have a follow up call within a week to primp and tweak anything that needs a little more sparkle!

How long does this take?


The Flamazing Brand Blueprint is perfect for any business that’s ready to sparkle and shine in their niche!

 Whether you’re just stepping into the startup scene with big dreams, scaling up to spread your fabulous wings, or an established brand thinking it’s time for a little revamp, this blueprint is your golden ticket!

It’s tailor-made for visionary entrepreneurs who crave that creative edge, want their brand to scream ‘unique’, and are eager to magnetize their ideal clients!

So, if you’re looking to not just step into the spotlight but truly own it, this blueprint is your backstage pass to making it happen!

What sort of business is this for?


And in case you're wondering...

your questions answered

I offer a 20-minute, obligation-free Flamazing Quickie zoom chat! This is your golden ticket to ask me all about my processes, dive into project specifics, or toss any other questions you have my way!

 It’s totally casual, absolutely free, and just a click away. Let’s chat and get those burning questions answered!

I have some questions..?


Totally get it! Everyone needs a bit of a helping hand sometimes, especially when it comes to making big, exciting investments in your brand!

 Just pop me a message with what feels right for you, and we can chat about all the options available! Let’s make it work and get you all set up for success!

Do you offer payment plans?


In "Flamazing," I take you on a journey to build your brand foundations ending with you building your The Flamazing Brand Blueprint - The Full Flamingo is the done for you version of the course!

How does this compare to Flamazing?


Let's have a chat!