Hey there, I'm Jen, your go-to gal for all things branding! Together, we're going to craft a brand that dazzles and stands out - think flamingo fabulous in a sea of seagulls!

Ready to make your brand sparkle? Let’s do this!

Let's get 


Champagne drinking,
coffee addicted,
colourful, crazy cat lady!

Hello there!

I'm Jen Be, your go-to colourful, champagne-sipping, coffee-loving branding cheerleader! With three decades of experience as a designer and strategist, I’m on a mission to empower fabulous women over 40 to create stand out brands and live their lives in full, vivid colour!

I kicked my own life into high gear at 52, diving into an adventure of self-discovery, and I'm living proof that it's never too late to rewrite your story!

Whether I'm teaching my course, presenting to wonderful women, or crafting personalised strategies, I’m here to help you stand out like a flamingo among seagulls and soar to new heights!

When I'm not changing lives you can find me in Sydney, sipping Mumm champagne, curled up with my cats and a good book, spreading joy and positivity wherever I go! Let's bring some flamazing colour into your world!

The ultimate branding course for fabulous females ready to turn their brand into a standout sensation - like a flamingo in a flock of seagulls! 
Doors open in August for
the live round!

The Flamazing Brand Kickstarter Course LIVE

This 1:1 session is designed to kick-start the strategic process and to give you some clarity into how you can elevate your business to the next level!

Flamingrow Call


So let's figure out what the heck you need!

There are 4 ways we can do this!

This is a self paced, budget friendly version of my beloved Flamazing Brand Kickstarter Course designed especially for businesses in their start up phase!!

The Flamazing Brand Kickstarter Course
On Demand


The ultimate brand strategy package culminating with your very own incredible Flamazing Brand Blueprint! 
Your brand's guiding star, ensuring consistency, clarity, and charisma in every touchpoint.

The Full Flamingo
Brand Strategy


The ultimate branding course for fabulous females ready to turn their brand into a standout sensation - like a flamingo in a flock of seagulls!

Let's get Flamazing

A 12-week brand building experience designed for early stage businesses who are ready to let go of the wobble, say bye bye to confusion aka bumfuzzlement, and find the “something that is missing”, so that they can discover their voice, celebrate their Flamazing-ness and unapologetically spread their impact and their brand joy to the world! 

the brand kickstarter course for women in business

Lucy - Bloom by Belmonili

 This wasn't just surface "post more often" kind of advice either, it was personal, detailed suggestions with examples and rationale. As if that wasn't enough, after our call Jen sent me a PDF with a clear list of action steps and a recording of our call. If you are reading this, stop what you are doing and get on Jen's schedule NOW!"

I was lucky enough to have a Flamingrow Call with Jen, and WOW was it amazing. Jen and I clicked instantly (I felt like I was talking to a long lost friend!), and she was able to give me immediate, actionable steps to improve my social feeds.

Yvette Mayer - The Lit Up and Liberated Entreprenuer 

She took my brief and came back to me with more concepts than I expected... but honestly, she nailed it on her first attempt. It absolutely feels like more than a brand refresh to me, and that’s because it is.

I waited until my business was well over 6 figures to invest in branding. So when I took the big step of calling in the professionals, I chose to go all the way.

Working with Jen has been a dream from start to finish. 

Because I was so pleased with everything and I trusted Jen, I then also asked Jen to design my packaging. I tried to do it to save money, however, if you want your brand to look professional, and to attract your people, l really believe you need a professional. And boy did Jen deliver!
I fell in love with my business and brand all over again. She perfectly captured the feel of my brand, my brand style and the magic of my brand. The first reveal made me want to cry I was so happy! She totally nailed it!

Jen is a warm, fun, and bright personality who is so easy to work with! She is your brand’s best friend! Jen delivered on everything I wanted plus more, and I am incredibly happy with how everything has turned out.

Jenny - Rawfully Good Blends

kind words

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