What if I fall?
but, oh my darling,
what if you fly?

For wonderful women wanting more freedom to thrive and a little magic to soar in business...

you could stop those endless hours of overwhelm and “what the heck do I do here?”... you have so much clarity around your brand... you know who you are... how you talk... who you're talking to and your customers instantly connect with you and your brand and want to purchase what you have to offer! 

Just imagine...

Chasing your tail in confusion!

An embarrassing online presence!

Attracting the wrong customers!

The overwhelm that comes with trying to do ALL. THE. THINGS!

Constantly feeling like you're just winging it with your branding!

That feeling that SOMETHING is wrong but you have no idea what!!

Girlfriend, I know one of the hardest things about building your business is all the guesswork! You're ready to sell more but and make this business stand tall... but you just are completely cponfused and have no idea where to start!!

It's time to say goodbye to:

And the magic is me!

I've got the magic your biz has been begging for – flamingos included!

Your branding BFF guiding you to a place where confusion is conquered and clarity rules!

Choose your magic!

This 1:1 session is designed to kick-start the strategic process and to give you some clarity into how you can elevate your business to the next level!

Flamingrow Call


This is a self paced, budget friendly version of my beloved Flamazing Brand Kickstarter Course designed especially for businesses in their start up phase!!

The Flamazing Brand Kickstarter Course
On Demand


The ultimate branding course for fabulous females ready to turn their brand into a standout sensation - like a flamingo in a flock of seagulls! 
Doors open in August for
the live round!

The Flamazing Brand Kickstarter Course LIVE


The ultimate brand strategy package culminating with your very own incredible Flamazing Brand Blueprint! 
Your brand's guiding star, ensuring consistency, clarity, and charisma in every touchpoint.

The Full Flamingo
Brand Strategy


Come fly with me for for $395 AUD

Establishing your brands personality

Your why and your how

Your brand story

Your new "best friend" (dream clients)

Creating consistency across your brand

Establishing your brand identity

Styling your social presence

We can deep dive into:

Let me help you wipe that overwhelm and anxiety with this 60 minute call. This 1:1 session is designed to kick-start the strategic process and to give you some clarity. We will deep dive into your brand and then I give you a breakdown of where I think you can improve and strategy to help you fly to that next level!

But what can we get done in 60 minutes you ask?

A lot!!! We can cover any topics you like, for example, if you have a particular pain point you can “pick my brain” for an hour on the subject...

Leave with clear direction on how to change your brand from drab to fab.

Feeling overwhelmed and stressed about your brand/socials? You know they need to be amazing and they’re just not? 

The Flamingrow Call

adventure one

60 minute foundations brainstorming session

90 minute strategy brainstorming session

Calls will be via Zoom and will be recorded so you can listen back any time you like. Top recommendations from the session emailed to you within 24 hours.

Yep!! That's me!! Totally addicted to cats, colour, coffee, champagne, candles, motivational quotes, positivity, reading and JOY!!

Champagne drinking,
coffee addicted,
colourful, crazy cat lady

Hi, I'm Jen! 

I live in beautiful Sydney, Australia along with my other Pom Pom People. My fabulous bag piping husband and my perfectly imperfect university student daughter and her partner... and our crazy fur family of cats!

But another great passion of mine is what I do!! I’m a brand coach and stylist, socials stylist and illustrator with over 30 years experience in the industry... yes I was doing this BEFORE computers when it was all created by imagination and hand!

Lucy - Bloom by Belmonili

 This wasn't just surface "post more often" kind of advice either, it was personal, detailed suggestions with examples and rationale. As if that wasn't enough, after our call Jen sent me a PDF with a clear list of action steps and a recording of our call. If you are reading this, stop what you are doing and get on Jen's schedule NOW!"

I was lucky enough to have a Flamingrow Call with Jen, and WOW was it amazing. Jen and I clicked instantly (I felt like I was talking to a long lost friend!), and she was able to give me immediate, actionable steps to improve my social feeds.

kind words

Ready to take the leap and rewrite your fairytale?

I've got the pixie dust your brand needs so are you...